WordPress Dev Chat For 2-04-10

wordpresslogoRead the entire meeting in detail here.

Update on progress of the 2010 theme
Matt Thomas let everyone know that the 2010 theme was just about done. Thanks to Ian, post thumbnails now work as custom headers in the default theme. The only things left to do are custom background color/image picker and cross-browser testing. Custom styles for category-asides and category-gallery as well as dropdowns are done.

Update on merge testing – wpmuguru / testers
So far, there is good feedback coming in giving the impression that the MU side of things are stable. So far, it looks like they are fairly on schedule for February 15th to have the multi-site stuff complete. The UI for multi-site is currently being worked on by Jane Wells as well as a few other people in case wireframes are needed. DD32 and Nacin are going to work on ticket 11816 that focuses on users being able to switch from a standard single install to a multi-site install.

Update on menu management progress
Progress has stalled since the talk last Thursday regarding menu management. Ticket 11817. The biggest concern with the widget menu system is how well it would deal with submenus. The current thinking is that it probably wouldn’t work too well. Based on the conversation I read, menu management still does not have a concrete direction. There will be wireframes for menu management that should be published to the WPUI blog first to get community feedback and then next week, there will be a discussion on whether to punt, delay, etc.

Update on progress of core plugins
Things haven been progression but slowly due to volunteers being busy themselves. Some of the volunteers for the Post By Email plugin seem to have disappeared so if you’re interested in working on that plugin, sign up to the mailing list and introduce yourself. Post by email has most of the features that WordPress.com has now. The direction of the plugin including a roadmap needs to be establishes as a team. Westi has not had a chance to think about the UI implication for core plugins and how they may be promoted or made available as a bundle. Jane Wells has opted to put it on the list for the UI group to work on to see what they come up with. There also needs to be some sort of information screen where the Post By Email feature currently resides in WordPress to let people know where to find it.

like_escape discussion
For this part of the meeting, I encourage you to start here and make your way up as I have no idea what they are talking about.

How To Participate:

If you want to suggest a topic to be discussed at the next meeting, you can by visiting the WordPress development updates blog. If you would like to participate in the chat next week, install IRC or an IRC compatible client and connect to the following IRC server.

chat.freenode.net or any random server on the Freenode network and then join this channel at 3:30PM Eastern time or 20:30 UTC Thursdays. #wordpress-dev.



4 responses to “WordPress Dev Chat For 2-04-10”

  1. like_escape is a special function that handles making some of the database queries safe. In SQL, The “LIKE” keyword has special rules and so it needs special handling. If the handling isn’t done totally properly, there’s potential security implications.

    Problem is that the documentation and spec isn’t totally clear, so correctly implementing it means doing lots of tests and figuring out the rules.


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