Styling Your Comment Form And Layout has a great tutorial on how to style the WordPress comment form as well as the layout of the comments. Most of the changes are simple CSS edits but determining where those CSS attributes are located can sometimes be harder than making the edits. Their guide shows you how to add buttons to the Edit, Cancel, and Reply links using only CSS properties.

Speaking of styling comments, how many of you remember a service called CommentBits? CommentBits was an entire business built around the styling of comments in 2009 by Ryan Imel. In an interview I conducted with him, my thought was at the time that he would be able to create a nice niche for himself within a big market. However, things stagnated very quickly with a lack of new designs released. Even though the purchase link still appears to work, I’d be hesitant of purchasing anything through the site. I wonder though if something like CommentBits would be successful in today’s WordPress theme market?


3 responses to “Styling Your Comment Form And Layout”

  1. I think there is a market there if someone pulls off a comments bits style service properly.

    I used to make a living off of menus in that sort of way, although I moved away from that particular market as it seemed that most of the people wanting customised menus were wanting super bizarre highly user unfriendly menus which made it somewhat unmotivating to work on. Plus the advent of the WordPress menu system somewhat killed off the purpose of my menu plugin(s). The concept did seem to work though.

    I had a vague plan of doing something similar with sliders, but shied away from that in the end. But I do think the idea is a sound one if someone were willing to put a lot of time into preparing some kick butt pre-made templates and systems for it.

  2. @Reneé Klein – There is nothing wrong with flying by the seat of your pants. I learned how certain parts of WordPress work by breaking stuff when editing bits and pieces of code. It’s one of the ways I discovered how WordPress works without needing blocks of PHP code to get anything done. Over time when messing with themes, you’ll get to learn CSS selectors and contributes like Background color and such. I would start here if you’re not comfortable editing CSS.

    @Ryan Hellyer – I think there is still a market for something like CommentBits. For example, MaxFoundry started a business based on buttons that has been very successful for them. CommentBits would be pretty cool once there were about 50-100 different comment form designs. I would be worried a little bit if someone came along and created a Comment form generator that spit out all of the correct code where you just upload the files into a theme and boom, there’s the comment form you created. However, all of this almost seems like a moot point because wouldn’t the commenting area already be designed by the theme author to match up well with the rest of the theme?

    @Richie_KS – Editing the way comments are displayed used to be as simple as editing a few files. A recent version of WordPress changed it so that a bunch of commenting stuff was added to comment_form.

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