Idiot’s Guide To WordPress

idiots guide to wordpressIf you’re still looking for a book to help you learn the basics of both the self hosted version of WordPress and, The Complete Idiot’s Guide To WordPress might be for you. Pierre DeBois over at SmallBizTrends has given his review of the book and from his perspective, it looks like a good read that sets the foundation to excel with WordPress.


5 responses to “Idiot’s Guide To WordPress”

  1. Hmmm. Perhaps. The boat was missed when the author’s own review was not published here.
    Why would one want to send his readers to another site (without an affiliation)? Except for reference.

    Would newbies really be reading the WPNews from their WP site’s dashboard to find an Idiot’s guide (how I landed here)? Not likely.

    If they are, I recommend Sitepoint’s “Build Your Own Wicked WordPress Themes”. It covers the overview of WP and leads one to building his/her site.

  2. @doktorthomas — I’m a newbie who found this site trying to claw my way up the wp learning curve as fast as possible, started reading a few posts, saw this review and yes, I will be buying the book because I’m exactly the person it was written for, and the Idiots and Dummies books are fabulous bridges from the unknown to the known. I believe this book will move mountains. At least those that are powered by wordpress. Ya never know whose going to happen across your blog!


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